Welcome to A Conscious Mama! A site dedicated to sharing parenting tips, tricks, and support to help new moms navigate motherhood more consciously. Ran by Desiree, a young mama of 2 girls and Elementary Educator whose experience has inspired this content. You’ll find posts on parenting, best baby products, post-partum and more.

Hey! I’m Desiree, from Florida and a mama to two beautiful girls and Elementary School Educator. I’m really passionate about doing things with a purpose, and that includes raising the next generation. I enjoy reading, researching, sleeping, veggie fried rice, and beach vacations (wish we did them more often haha). Once I became a mom, I found myself constantly scouring the internet. Trying to find information, parenting tips, tricks, and science-based evidence in order to help me take better care of my girls and my students. I knew there were more conscious and gentler ways of parenting, so I searched and applied and failed and tried again and here I am.
The internet has been a great tool for me and so I’m hoping that by sharing my experiences, my words resonate and help you in any way. My goal with this site, is to be a resource and support for another mama out there searching like I was! If you’re looking for an honest, relatable, mom friend then you’ve come to the right place. I’m so excited you’re here!
If you’ve found yourself here, welcome! I hope you stay and can learn something new that’ll help you or a mama you know. We’re all on this journey together.