Pregnancy Symptoms Before You Actually Get A Positive Test

Pregnancy Symptoms Before You Actually Get A Positive Test

How can you tell if you’re pregnant before you see those 2 pink lines? The two week wait can be a long and hard wait for many women. Waiting to see if you fell pregnant the last cycle. Between physically preparing yourself for pregnancy, and mentally preparing yourself for a baby, the waiting game can definitely cause your mind to play tricks on you! Though it’s not a guarantee, and sometimes PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms can be so similar, let’s go over some pregnancy symptoms before you actually get a positive test.


Each time I’ve gotten a positive test, it’s been days before my missed period. One of the first things I notice personally is being VERY emotional. Since your hormones are changing as soon as that egg implants, having mood swings or being overly emotional can be a first symptom. For many women it tends to last the whole pregnancy and during the 4th trimester as well. Hormones can do really weird things to our bodies, so don’t worry.


This is another symptom that tends to happen in pretty quickly, usually the beginning weeks of pregnancy. This, like your emotions, are most likely due to the hormone shifts going on in your body.

Bowel Movement Changes

With my second pregnancy, I was eating very healthy, staying hydrated and working out regularly. I had a really great routine going on when suddenly I started having a lot of bloating and loose stools. I didn’t know, nor did I think it was because I was pregnant. I did have it for at least 2 days though before I tested positive. So could’ve been an early symptom.

Shortness Of Breathe

This was a symptom that I noticed mainly with my second. I noticed it as soon as got my positive test, but it had been happening for a few days prior. I just hadn’t made the connection, but yeah having random shortness of breath can mean baby!


So this cramping shouldn’t be painful, shouldn’t be too consistent, and should be short lived. Some women, including myself, experience this as implantation happens. Also as the baby begins to grow and your uterus starts to adjust and get ready to grow.

It could be that you have an array of pregnancy symptoms before you actually get a positive test. It could also be that you notice absolutely no symptoms at all. These are just the ones that I experienced, at least once or maybe both times before I tested positive on a pregnancy test! If you were lucky enough to find out before your missed period, or found out pretty early as well, comment down below what symptoms YOU had. If you’re in that two week wait journey, you’re not alone! I’ll make sure to be sending lots of love and baby dust your way, and hope that you get the positive you’re hoping for.

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