How To Naturally Induce Your Labor

naturally induce your labor

The last few weeks of pregnancy are always the hardest. I’m sure every mom can relate when I say that those last few weeks are when we pray for a healthy labor but also want that baby out like yesterday. Although babies will come when they’re ready, sometimes there are things that can help them kick start the process. Keep reading to see what 3 things you can do and how to naturally induce your labor.

I want to preface this by saying that I am not a medical doctor nor am I giving any medical advice. All and any attempt of inducing labor at home should be spoken with whoever is seeing your pregnancy. Be that your doctor or midwife alike. That being said, these are things that can be done at home that can help your baby get into the right position, or get your body to react in order to kickstart labor. Also keep in mind, this will only work if your body is ready and should only be attempted if confirmed by your provider and you are full term.

The Miles Circuit

The Miles Circuit is a 3-step process that’s designed to help baby get into the Left Occiput Anterior position. This is the ideal position for birth. It’s believed that by doing these 3 positions for 30 minutes at a time in succession they’ll help to induce labor. Think of it as something like prenatal yoga but less movements and longer holds. On this website you can see exactly how to perform the miles circuit and see if it’ll help to naturally induce your labor.


This is one I tried during my second pregnancy and wish I would’ve for my first. Pumping is a great way to naturally induce your labor once you’re full term because it’s a way for your body to naturally produce oxytocin. This is the hormone that kick starts your contractions. It’s also known as the love hormone. So how would you pump to induce labor? Start with a few short sessions a day, and gradually increase as you go along. An example of a pumping timeline can look like this:

  • Day 1- Pump for 10 minutes on 5-minute rest until you reach 30 minutes.
  • Day 2- Pump for 10 minutes on 5-minute rest until you reach 45 minutes.
  • Day 3- Pump for 10 minutes on 5 minutes rest until you reach 1-hour.
  • Day 4- Pump for 15 minutes on 5 minutes rest until you reach 45 minutes.
  • Day 5- Pump for 15 minutes on 5 minutes rest until you reach 1 hour.
  • Day 6- Pump for 20 minutes on 5 minutes rest until you reach 45 minutes.
  • Day 7- Pump for 20 minutes on 5 minutes rest until you reach 1 hour.

Be sure to listen to your body, if it begins to contract while you’re pumping, feel free to stop. Also keep in mind this method may not work overnight, it may take a few days or weeks to actually work. If Pitocin, which is the medical version of oxytocin, is offered in doses in hospitals to induce labor, it’s worth a shot to get your body to produce the real thing on it’s own!

Midwives Brew

This concoction is known to kickstart labor in 24 hours or LESS. Which is insane but also exciting for the mama looking for the real thing. It’s called the Midwives Brew or also known as the German Labor Cocktail. It’s two main ingredients are the Lemon Verbena tea and the Castor Oil. Be sure to consult with your provider before attempting this, but if you decide to try it, you’ll need:

To prep the drink, you’ll need to blend all of these together. You’re supposed to drink it within 30 minutes of being prepared on an EMPTY STOMACH. It’s very heavy and has been known to cause vomiting in some women, so keep that in mind. You can try it over ice to help get it down. Castor oil is a known laxative and the bowel stimulation is what’s supposed to help induce the contractions. Using the bathroom is also sometimes a side effect to the brew.

To Try or Not To Try

There are a million myths and old wives tales about how to naturally induce labor. These are 3 ways that can be done simply at home and that are natural. If you’ve tried everything except what’s on this list, give them a try and see if you and baby are ready. Any method you choose, be sure to feel comfortable with it and discuss with your provider what you intend to try.

Alright so now you know what you have to try if you want baby out. But if you’re looking on tips for how to prepare your body for pregnancy and try to make a baby, check out this post here!

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