How To Prepare For A Second Baby

So you’ve decided that you want to grow your family. Congratulations! This isn’t just an exciting time, but a scary one too. You may wonder what your family dynamic is going to look like in the next few months. Whether your eldest is 2 or 12 years old, you’re going into this pregnancy with more knowledge. There are still things though that you may feel unprepared for and thats why you’ve stumbled upon this post. Hopefully by the end of it, you’ll feel a little more prepared entering motherhood for the second time. Let’s get into how to prepare for a second baby.

When I fell pregnant with my second daughter, my first was only 15 months. So I knew I was up for a handful with 2 babies 2 years apart. I never had siblings close in age, neither did my partner. This was new territory for everyone involved. Even the grandparents! I confided in mom friends and google when it came to preparing for this second baby. I got some great advice, some not so great advice, throw some unwanted advice in there too. All in all, I’m going to share with you some tips and tricks that worked for me. Not only physically preparing, but mentally preparing for our second baby.

Eat Well & Stay Active

A big contributor as to how I was able to keep up with my super energetic toddler throughout my pregnancy! Making a conscious effort to fuel my body right and move around in order to feel my best! When I ate bad, I felt sluggish. As an exhausted pregnant mom I needed to choose wisely when it came to how I ate realistically. I also made sure to workout, and supposedly squats help with labor, so I was all for it. Home workouts were and still are my best friend. Going for baby led walks were a great way to engage and connect with my little one, and get some daily steps in as well. I believe this assisted the outcome. A healthy pregnancy, followed by an uncomplicated delivery and speedy recovery.

Make A Registry

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have a lot already from your first. You’ll always need things, even when preparing for a second or plus baby. In my case, it was more of what we already knew we’d need like bibs and an extra sound machine. A registry is a great way to try new products you didn’t get the first time around! Something like a new baby monitor or an electric nose sucker. Even just getting gift cards to purchase these things yourself or stock up on diapers. Don’t underestimate the power of a registry. It can help you with items or cash you’ll definitely need for your new little one!

Prep Your Mind

Mindset plays a big role when you decide to prepare for a second baby. The mental shift of going from 1 baby to 2 babies can be a lot to process! It was for me and my pregnancy was planned. I made sure to constantly allow myself to be inspired by and admire other moms in my future position. Whether it was on social media or in person, connecting with other relatable moms helped me get an idea of what the transition was like. I was also very big on affirmations and learning to become more confident as a mom in general. I recommend reading books like this one, if thats your thing! These things helped a ton and really allowed me to believe that I was capable of thriving as a mama of multiples.

Prep Your Little One

Lastly, you want to make sure your soon to be big brother/ sister feels prepared as well. I found the best way to prepare for a second baby is to involve them in the process. We did this by reading books and talking about experiences she would soon share with her sister. Involving her in the process looked like letting her rub oil on my belly, or picking out her coming home outfit. Since we love reading, I found this way was the most effective when it came to helping her understand her new role. It’s important to always remind your older child that they’re still YOUR baby along the way. It’s definitely a big transition for everyone involved!

At the end of the day, a second child is awesome. Maybe this is the one to complete your family, or maybe they’ll end up being a middle child. However you decide to continue to grow your family, preparation is key. It’s not about having all the material things but having the mindset as well. Hopefully these tips were valuable to you and have abetter idea of how to prepare for a second baby.

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