8 Items You’ll ACTUALLY Need As A First Time Mom

8 Items You'll ACTUALLY Need As A First Time Mom

So my last post was a very emotional post about my experience becoming a first time mom. Now having 2 kids, I feel a little more seasoned so I feel like I have the right to say these are things you’ll actually use as a first time mom. Heck if you plan on having more than 1 baby, you’ll see yourself come back to these items. Granted, I’m speaking from personal experience, so of course what works for me might not be for everyone. Still though, I’ve shared these same products with many, many mom friends who’ve said they sure were happy to have them. So lets get into the 8 items you’ll actually need as a first time mom.

1. Electric Pump

So this one may be on many lists but that’s because you never know when you’ll need it! Especially as a first time mom and going into your breastfeeding journey for the first time. If your baby has a great latch and you’re breastfeeding on demand, this can come in handy when you have engorgement. If you’re like me and your baby doesn’t latch right away, you can pump and bottle feed. You can do this either until baby learns to re-latch or until you feel ready to quit. Whichever way it goes, these are important to have PLUS they are free through your insurance. Websites like Aeroflow make it so easy for you to order one. You simply put in your insurance info, they tell you what pumps you qualify for, you pick the one you want and thats it! They do all the hard work for you.

2. Wrap/ Carrier

Baby wearing is a bonding and connection experience, it’s also convenient as heck. Some benefits for baby include a more stable heart rate and temperature regulation. Leads to more consistent weight gain. It’s also great for cognitive and social development. For mom, it can help to increase your milk supply. It can help to prevent baby blues and PPD. Lastly, and most importantly, it allows you more physical freedom!

I used my Moby Wrap in the early days because I loved having and holding my baby close to me. The Infantino Carrier for when she was older was also great for being able to go outside and walk without a stroller, clean up around the house, and even just scroll through IG and have both hands free. Either one works but if you want your partner to experience baby wearing as well, I would recommend the Infantino Carrier.

3. Electric Nasal Aspirator

This one I didn’t know I needed until baby #2. Getting boogers out of a baby’s nose is the literal worst, at least for me, because they’re so tiny. The bulb aspirators are difficult to use and can be pretty unsanitary after multiple uses and not being properly cleaned. The Electric Frida has been a staple in our home, especially with cold/ flu season and add covid on top of that. Lots of stuffy and runny noses. I also love this product because its small enough for newborns but also powerful enough for toddlers. Don’t forget your saline spray! I love using the Little Remedies brand since you can use it as both drops and a spray as well.

4. Bouncer

Next to the carrier, this was a very much used product with my first. Whenever I had to set her down, and she wasn’t asleep, a bouncer came to the rescue. The lighter the better because you can easily bring these into any room with you, including the toilet, and still keep baby close. If you have the money to spend, I personally recommend the Baby Bjorn Bouncer. It’s lightweight, foldable, and if you include the toybar, a great all around bouncer That’ll keep your baby safe and engaged. Now.. it is pricey, so a more affordable option would be something like this Fisher Price bouncer that again is compact and lightweight.

5. Swaddle Blankets

Now these are great because they can be used for pretty much anything and everything. They work well as swaddle blankets, nursing covers, carseat covers, burp cloths. You can use them underneath to set your baby down somewhere like someones couch. I prefer the muslin swaddles like these Aden & Anais ones. They are lightweight and durable, they’re also really big!

6. Sleepers

Okay so this one is pretty common sense but when I say you’ll need them, I mean you’ll need a lot of them! Babies spit up, pee and poop through their diapers, so you’re changing them often. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes its a sleepers all day kinda day. Now I’m personally a thrift store kinda gal, so feel free to stock up on hand me downs. But if you’re looking for some quality, stretchy, comfortable sleepers, I recommend these from Hanes. Sure double zippers are cool but the reality is, baby is gonna be uncomfortable and half naked while you’re changing their diaper anyway, so to me personally, it doesn’t make a difference. But of course whatever kind you go with, just make sure you have enough so you’re not doing laundry every other day.

7. Bibs

Okay Okay so hear me out. Around the 3 month mark babies start to drool A LOT. You’re going through bibs like nobody’s business, and you don’t ever want to find yourself without any clean ones. PS dried milk smells not that nice. So having a ton of bibs is essential. I highly highly highly recommend these Neat Solutions bibs. I LOVE them because they’re solid print, so they match with anything AND there is more surface area because there are no designs. You know, I never understood that, like why put designs on bibs that make it so theres less room for drool. Anyway, these are amazing because they stand the test of a million washes. They’re also waterproof so as much spit up or drool they catch on the front, won’t seep onto your babies onsie or chest soaking that too.

8. Onsies

The last item you actually need as a first time mom is lots and lots of onsies. Whether they be all white, solid color or cute prints. Onsies are the most comfortable thing, next to sleepers, your baby can wear. Sure the cute outfits are nice but just for the photos. Plus they get dirty so quick! Incase you didn’t know, breast milk and formula can stain. If they’re eating solids, you’ll get lots of food stains. So keeping their wardrobe simple is a must. At least for most days spent at home. Again, I recommend these from Hanes as the quality is great and they’re super soft and stretchy! As you can tell, I’m also very much into solid simple prints. You can get these anywhere though, all brands have them so make sure you have enough.

So there you have it, from a mom of 2 under 3, these are the 8 items you’ll ACTUALLY need as a first time mom. All the other things are luxuries and things your bay may or may not use. Things like swings, which neither of my girls used, or pacifiers, or bottles aren’t always a guarantee. If you’re a soon to be or first time mom reading this, you’re doing amazing already. You got this!

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