Top 5 Must Have Items For A Second Baby

When planning for baby #2, we thought we had it all already. WRONG! Though we had a lot, there were still things we needed. Many articles will tell you that you need the basics (diapers, double strollers, etc.) for a second baby, which is great but also common sense. I’m going to share with you my personal top 5 must have items for a second baby.

1. Baby Carrier

The inspiration for this post was this item specifically. I had both the Moby Wrap and an Infantino Carrier with my first pregnancy. With free hands though, I tended to use my arms to hold my baby more often. With a second little one, thats not always possible. Baby wearing has given me the opportunity to create that closeness. It’s a great way to bond with baby and meet both yours and their needs. To hold your newborn close while still having use of both hands, since they’ll probably be full with more than 1 kid, is the goal.

While baby is a newborn, I tend to reach for the Moby Wrap because its more adjustable. You’re able to really get their tiny body snug and safe since the fabric is adjustable. Around the 10 lb mark though is when I start transitioning into the Infantino Carrier. This is mainly because it’s easier to put them in. Since baby is bigger, it’s less challenging to get a snug and safe fit. Also, since it uses buckles, it’s much easier to put on and take off. From personal experience, this has been great for when I take my toddler on walks, when I’m picking up around the house, or even quicks trips into the store when baby isn’t napping in her carseat. It saves taking out the whole double stroller, and is one less hassle when dealing with 2 kids.

2. Pack & Play

So this is one that I don’t see many people mention, but it’s been a staple for me! We currently use the 4moms Breeze pack and play and its been the best thing. It’s SO easy to open and close. Can literally be opened with 1 hand. We all know these things are literally the worst to open. This is a must have item though because it offers you a safe place to put your little one down and have another baby or child running around. Of course it’s important for siblings to bond, and when mama can watch them interact it’s completely safe. Realistically though thats not always the case.

Let’s say your toddler is having some independent play, and you’re making lunch. Holding your infant in a carrier next to a hot stove probably isn’t the best choice. If you have a pack and play though, you can place baby in there with a couple of toys, let them practice tummy time while you finish up lunch. Just one of the many ways you can use this day to day with a second baby. It can also act as a safe sleeping option. I’ve seen many people use the pack and play as a bassinet as well! Thats 1 less bulky item to take space in your home. One item that has multiple uses and that’ll grow along with them. Another reason why this is a must have!

3. Portable Sound Machine

This is another baby item that I had my first pregnancy but didn’t get much use out of it. That is until my second baby. This bad boy does the trick during nap time on the go! Having a portable sound machine is great when you’re on the go. When you have a second child, you might not be home as often. Also, while they’re so young, they go with you just about everywhere. Some prime examples of why this is a must have item include:

  • Use it on the stroller while going on walks
  • Put it on the stroller while at the shops
  • Use on the carseat while in the car
  • Hang on the door handle while baby naps to drown out toddler noise

Among many other opportunities. If you use a sleep machine at night to help your baby sleep, this is a great portable one to have on hand. I love this Frida portable sound machine too because it allows for easy strapping and doesn’t fall off! It’s volume isn’t too low, which has been an issue with past portable sound machines, and its battery life lasts forever.

4. Baby Bouncer

So having a baby bouncer is a must have item for any number baby! The more kids you have though, the more it comes in handy. Like I mentioned before, it gives you a safe place to put your youngest down. They can kick and bounce themselves. Engage with the toys while you can get things done, like fold laundry or my personal favorite, use the bathroom.

I personally love this Baby Bjorn bouncer because it’s lightweight. You can close it up to save space, and the toy bar is really engaging for baby. Also the mesh cover makes it breathable which is a plus since I live where its hot all year round. This one is pricey though, but there are many affordable ones like this Fisher Price bouncer. It’s similar to the one I had with my first. If the Bjorn hadn’t been gifted to us, we would’ve chosen this one, it works great too!

5. Haakaa Silicone Pump

Now, this item would only be a must have if you choose to breastfeed. Let me tell you, leaky boobs SUCK. I wasted so much milk the first time around because I didn’t have this Haakaa pump. I would leak so bad while breastfeeding, so I made sure to get it the second time around. This has been a heaven sent. Since exclusively breastfeeding, I’ve been able to build up a freezer supply with JUST this pump alone. No pumping bras, no big bulky electric pump, just catching excess milk while cluster feeding. I also recommend getting this one specifically. The suction bottom and really does help to prevent spills. No one wants to cry over spilled milk, so mama do yourself the favor.

Of course these are all based on my personal experience and opinions. As a mom of 2 under 3, these 5 must have baby items have been staples in my home this time around. They’ve eased the transition of 1 to 2 babies, especially when I’m alone. Hopefully they can help you on your new journey as well! Best of luck mama, you got this!

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