Okay so we all know the common sense answer to this. Get a crib, buy some bottles, save up some money for maternity leave. All of that is physical though. What about the mental prep or the emotional prep of having a baby? Bringing life into this world and having the privilege and responsibility to […]
How To Survive With A Newborn And A Toddler
Picturing yourself with a newborn and a toddler is one thing. Actually doing the thing is a whole other story! It’s definitely not an easy task, but it doesn’t have to be as daunting as people make it seem. There IS a way to set yourself up for success. With a 2 year old, and […]
How To Prepare For A Second Baby
So you’ve decided that you want to grow your family. Congratulations! This isn’t just an exciting time, but a scary one too. You may wonder what your family dynamic is going to look like in the next few months. Whether your eldest is 2 or 12 years old, you’re going into this pregnancy with more […]
Mom Guilt Over Baby #2? Why Not To Worry
I always knew I wanted more than 1 baby. I also knew I wanted them to be close in age so they could be besties (hopefully). What I didn’t know was the immense amount of mom guilt I would feel going from having 1 baby to having baby #2! It wasn’t until the end of […]
8 Items You’ll ACTUALLY Need As A First Time Mom
So my last post was a very emotional post about my experience becoming a first time mom. Now having 2 kids, I feel a little more seasoned so I feel like I have the right to say these are things you’ll actually use as a first time mom. Heck if you plan on having more […]
Becoming A First Time Mom
Becoming a first-time mom comes with so many emotions. Excitement. Fear. Anxiety. Pair those with raging hormones and you have an over emotional wreck of a woman. Now, I’m not saying this in a negative way. What I’m saying is the truth, and if you’re anything like me, pregnancy is just the beginning. After becoming […]